
건설분야 최고의 해석 솔루션 DIANA와 함께 합니다.


Oil & Gas

오일과 가스의 매장이나 웰보어의 지반역학적 해석은 이러한 목적에 잘 맞는 재료, 요소 및 해석 기능들의 확장된 라이브러리로서 DIANA의 특별한 기능 중 하나이다.
DIANA는 아래의 기능들을 포함하고 있습니다.
  • non-linear material models for fracturing
  • shear-failure
  • creep and crushing of rock and frictional fault modelling
  • automatic meshing procedures for 3D formations starting from geological model data
  • distributed pressure fields and material properties
  • anisotropic material models for up-scaling
  • automatic and user defined solutions procedures for nonlinear problems
  • thermal and flow-stress effects
  • efficient direct and iterative parallel-processing solvers
  • powerful visualization of models and results

DIANA는 오일과 가스의 생산과 관련되거나 생산의 결과로서 발생되는 암석의 압축, 응력 변화, 매장된
장소의 절리부 활동, 과부하, 지표 침하 등을 정량화하는데 도움을 줄 것입니다. DIANA는 암석의 파괴, 케이싱
변형, 유정이 완료될 동안의 시멘트 무결성, 압력이나 온도 충격, 절리 활동에 의한 작동 조건 등을 정량화 하여
웰보어의 규모를 정의하는데 사용될 수 있습니다.
더욱이 DIANA는 서로 다른 여러 개의 해석이 하나의 해석 케이스에서 수행될 수 있도록 구성되어 있습니다.

오일과 가스에 대한 전용기능 (Dedicated Features for Oil & Gas) 매장된 자원에 대한 지반해석 (Geo-Mechanical Analysis of Reservoirs)
모델링 기능 (Modelling Features)
  • Plane strain and 3D meshing procedures for elements with linear and higher order displacement interpolation
  • Plane strain and 3D interface elements for modelling sliding faults with frictional properties
  • Unstructured and structured mesh generation for 2D models.
  • Automatic 3D meshing, inclusive interface element-definition for faults, from geological data represented by triangulate surfaces of horizons and faults
  • Definition of materials and pore-pressure loadings as distributed properties
재료 모델 (Material Models)
  • Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager plasticity with and without plastic hardening for shear failure of rock
  • Cam-clay and Modified Mohr-Coulomb model for combined shear and compression failure of soft rocks
  • Creep
  • Hoek-Brown and Jointed rock
  • Orthotropic elastic and elasto-plastic
  • Total strain and multi-directional crack
  • Coulomb friction in interface elements inclusive fault-opening
해석 기능 (Analysis Features)
  • Stress initialization with Ko procedures, inclusive calibration of plastic status of materials to initial stress condition
  • Automatic and manual load and time stepping
  • Heat-stress analysis
  • Staggered and fully coupled flow-stress analysis
  • Drained and undrained analysis
  • Effective parallel direct and iterative equation solvers
웰보어와 시추공 안정성 지반역학적 해석 (Geo-Mechanical Analysis of Wellbores and Borehole Stability) Modelling Features
  • 2D and 3D meshing procedures
  • Wide range of element types, inclusive generalized plane-strain elements
Material Models
  • Steel plasticity
  • Rock material models such as described above for analysis on reservoir scale
  • Concrete cracking and shrinkage
  • Nonlinear interface models for bonding / debonding of casing and cement
  • Visco-elasticity
Analysis Features
  • Nonlinear stress analysis predicting integrity and failure of wellbore
  • Coupled and staggered heat-stress analysis
  • Open hole analysis
  • Transient analysis of creep and shrinkage effects